Tuesday, October 22 2024 - 8:40 PM

Sharing Christ Through the Arts

Photo by Dreamstime


About Us

Adventist Society for the Arts (ASA) is a virtual and real community of Seventh-day Adventist members and friends gifted in, and passionate about the creative arts who wish to share their ideas and creations in a collaborative way. Songwriting, drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, poetry, videography and more can be used in powerful ways to convey God’s stories of hope and healing to our churches and surrounding communities.

This website represents an intentional effort to stimulate dialog and engagement in mission among Adventist creatives. As a church we need to celebrate the old and capture the new. Currently this site is being administered by AdventSource, from Lincoln, Nebraska.

It is time to risk and explore new ministry frontiers – for God’s sake! We cannot use 19th century methods to reach 21st century people. Even in her day, Ellen White said: “Whatever may have been your former practice, it is not necessary to repeat it again and again in the same way. God would have new and untried methods followed. Break in upon the people – surprise them.” – Manuscript 121, 1897 (Evangelism, p.125). We need fresh new music, art, photography, poetry to convey God’s healing message of hope and coming deliverance.

This project is possible because of a willingness on the part of many artists and musicians to share their stories, without which we would have nothing to say.

Learn more about ASA

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Artwork and Design – The graphics images used on this site may not be used without the consent of the designers who created them.

Music – Any music featured on this site may not be used without the consent of the songwriters and musicians.

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