Saturday, July 27 2024 - 12:24 AM

Sharing Christ Through the Arts

California poppies
Photo by Pixabay

A Passion to Create

Natasha Groschel not only writes and produces her own music, but also enjoys creating visual art. We asked her a few questions regarding her background and artistic aspirations.

inSpire – Natasha, you are a creative person. Not only are you involved in your own music ministry, but you enjoy creating visual art as well. Tell us a little about yourself and your background, and when did you first realize that you were gifted in these areas?

Groschel – I was born in England and grew up in the small village of Binfield. My dad worked (and still does work) at Newbold College, so we grew up pretty involved in the church and campus activities there. I had an interest in music from an early age. I began guitar lessons when I was 8 yrs old and my love for music, singing and songwriting grew and developed over the years. I taught myself to play keys when was around 11 and started writing songs when I was 12. I can’t explain it exactly, but I just had such a burning desire to sing, but I don’t think my voice was very good when I was younger. I remember sitting on my bedroom floor being surrounded by pages of scribbled out lyrics and just praying so hard that God would bless my voice and use me as his instrument. I wanted to sing so bad, but what came out of my mouth wasn’t what was in my head. I worked hard, practiced, joined choirs, vocal groups, had some singing lessons in my later teen years, and I still continue to work hard to improve my vocals.

God has blessed me and I’m so grateful that he answered my prayers and continues to bless me. As for art, I always enjoyed drawing and painting from a very young age. When I was 14 years old I was fortunate enough to have a wonderful art teach who saw my potential and pushed me to see it for myself. He put in many extra after-school hours to teach me a lot of valuable skills and techniques. I’m so thankful for him. He was a really great and inspiring teacher. I know I am a better artist because of him. He sadly passed away from cancer a few years ago. I’m so sad that I did not get to thank him.

inSpire – One of the factors that seems to distinguish great artists from mediocre ones is the amount of passion and drive they have. At an early age it sounds like you identified the creative arts as part of your life mission and calling, and you were passionate about incorporating them into your daily life. And having a passion, or even a gift for artistic or musical expression does not necessarily mean that one doesn’t have to work hard to be accomplished. What are you planning to do with your music and art in the future? Do you have any specific goals that you want to achieve?

Groschel – I’m currently working on my next album. I’ve been collaborating with producers from across the country. I’m prayerfully taking my time in putting it together. I don’t know what the future holds for me, but I trust that God has a plan for me. I will continue to work hard and serve him faithfully and leave the rest in his hands.

inSpire – You mentioned that you are “collaborating with producers from across the country.” I’m curious what you mean by this? Are you creating your new album via the Internet? Like maybe, using someone on the east coast to play bass guitar, and they send you their tracks. Then someone in the mid-west plays keyboards, and they send you their tracks? Please tell us more about the the recording process that you use.

Groschel – Yes, the collaboration is done via the Internet with the use of Dropbox for sharing files, and Skype for communicating. It’s not quiet as complicated as having several musicians working on one song. It’s more like one producer creates the instrumental track using music software and instruments in their studio, and they send it to me to record my vocals my end, then I send it back to them to mix and edit into the track. It works in different ways with each producer and each song. It is so wonderful to work with such talented people who are willing to work with me just for the love of creating good music. I love that I get to work with people I may not have had the opportunity to work with if it was not for the Internet.

inSpire – Do you have any advice for someone who wants to start their own music ministry?

Groschel – Be prayerful in your decisions, big and small. Know that God is the one who is in control and that your music ministry needs to be His will. Work hard to improve your gifts by taking lessons, workshops, classes. Do your research and understand what’s involved in music ministry. There are many resources to help you on the internet. Set long and short-term goals for what you hope to achieve from your ministry. Serve with a willing and humble spirit. Challenge yourself to live fearlessly within the will of God, that He may fulfill his purpose in you. Don’t be discouraged when things don’t work out the way you planned. Just remember God can make “plan C” better than your “plan A” ever would have been.

inSpire – Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your creative efforts and how you are using them to point others to Christ.

Visit Natasha Groschel online

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inSpire Editor

Writes from Northern California

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