Saturday, July 27 2024 - 8:55 AM

Sharing Christ Through the Arts

Angela Bryant-Brown

Hearing God’s Call

We asked Angela Bryant-Brown about her music ministry and the impact that music has made on her life.

inSpire – Angela, you have a great heart for music and have developed your own unique sound with your musical presentations. Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised, and when did you first realize your passion for music?

Angela – I was born to Henry and Dorrie Bryant in Syracuse, NY. I am the eldest of three siblings, who also have musical talents. And I am a 2nd generation Seventh-day Adventist. My musical journey began at the age of 7. Up until that time, I never thought about music other than the fact that my mother sang in a pretty successful trio that traveled throughout Upstate New York and sing-a-longs at AYS.

As a very spirited child, I hardly ever sat through church quietly or still. But one particular Sabbath, I recall sitting still long enough to listen to my mother’s group sing, and hearing a voice say that I would sing for Jesus. This was weird to me because as I mentioned earlier, I never had any serious interest in singing and couldn’t recall ever trying to sing as a soloist. But that Sabbath afternoon, I went home and closed my bedroom door, stood in front of the mirror and began to sing, “The Savior is Waiting,” since I was familiar with that from church.

Not to long after I began singing, my mother walked in my room and asked me to sing it again. From then on it was clear to her and to me that God had gifted me to sing for his kingdom. And boy did I take it seriously! I joined both church and school choirs. Volunteered to sing for any and every program, with and without music. I enrolled in voice lessons at the age of 8 and became a delegate for my church and school at conferences and youth programs in the New York area.

The fire that I felt at that age was unbelievable! I was so confident that God called me to sing that I lived and breathed music. And my mother played such a vital role in my musical and spiritual development that to this day she is the reason I am still singing for the Lord, and him only!

inSpire – So, you’ve had a “music ministry” for years. The Lord laid it on your heart at an early age, and you’re still at it. Tell us about your music today, and how you are using it to minister to people’s hearts.

Angela – Though time has changed people, places and plans, it has not changed music’s powerful influence on the hearts and minds of mankind. And it’s for that reason, I continue to pursue and carry out God’s plan for my life as a singing/songwriting evangelist. In a time where people are desperate for “something” but uncertain of what that “something” is, God’s unfailing love, mercy and grace, expressed through heart-felt, melodious music and testimony, is just what the world needs now… DESPERATELY! So it has been, and will ever be my purpose and passion to use my musical talent and personal testimony to not only reach the lost, but to encourage and strengthen the redeemed.

inSpire – That’s very moving! You’re on a mission. Undoubetdly you have been blessed by other musical artists. Which ones have had a big influence on your music, and on you personally?

Angela – Cece Winans, Sandi Patti and Whitney Houston are, and were, the most influential artists in my music career. All three divas had both spiritual and secular elements that helped shape my music style in a good way. They all took their talent very seriously and aimed to influence people in a good way…in an inspirational way. Furthermore, they know the strong influence music has on the lives of their followers and have mastered their craft to maximize their fan’s satisfaction. I too strive to give my best and leave a lasting impression that will empower and inspire people to draw closer to God.

inSpire – Thank you for sharing your story. God is truly using you to touch people’s hearts! May God continue to bless your efforts.

Find Angela’s music on Apple Music | Amazon Music | Soundcloud | Spotify | YouTube

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inSpire Editor

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