Saturday, July 27 2024 - 8:44 AM

Sharing Christ Through the Arts

2014 Photo contest
Photo by Pixabay

inSpire 2014 Photo Awards

The purpose of the inSpire photo contest is to empower and encourage the photographic arts among Seventh-day Adventist members, and to highlight how inspirational photography can be used to convey spiritual truths.

The top ten photos for the 2014 contest were selected from 145 entries, and chosen by eight judges that used a ranking process. The judges were not able to compare notes and were not privy to each other’s choices. As stated in the contest rules, entrants live within the North American Division and are not employees of the Pacific Union Conference.

Judging Process – While all of the photos have positive qualities, the judges were asked to select their top 10 choices (during three rounds of rankings). The contest did have a social media element, where people could vote for their friend’s photos, but it was never intended that a popularity vote would be the final determining factor for picking the winning entries. Judges were asked to consider the popular votes, but to make their final decisions based upon their artistic eye and professional experience.

inSpire Photography Judges – Sarah K. Asaftei, James R. Becraft, James Bokovoy, Chip Dizard, Dick Duerksen, Robert E. Ford, Jim Paliungas, and Ronald Pollard.

No. 1 – Pure Joy – by Karen Bowen DuBose


No. 2 – Here You Go – by Soowoong Moon


No. 3 – Hope 2 – Francis Chan


No. 4 – Paradise Reflection – Glenn Sackett


No. 5 – Enlightened – Salvador Armendariz


No. 6 – Thoughtful Worship – Todd Gessele


No. 7 – Unto the Least… – Sam Chen


No. 8 – Worship 1 – Francis Chan


No. 9 – Tai Chi Chuan – Sam Chen


No. 10 – Enlightenment on the Journey – Glenn Sackett
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About inSpire Editor

inSpire Editor

Writes from Northern California

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