Thursday, October 24 2024 - 3:08 AM

Sharing Christ Through the Arts

A King is Born
Photo by Pixabay

A King Is Born

It was a simple, lowly town
In Judah’s tribal land,
But from it there would rise a king
With a skilled workman’s hand.

This mighty king would heal the sick,
Raise the dead, give blind eyes sight.
He’d even make the dumb to talk
And turn darkness into light.

From that small town called Bethlehem
So many years ago
The humble babe called Jesus Christ
Was born on earth below.

He did the will of God above
And no matter where He went
He offered joy and peace to all;
With salvation He was sent.

He lived a life of gentleness
With love for all mankind
And showed us that the human race
Is always on His mind

Now He reigns in Heaven on high;
Very soon He’ll take us home.
There we shall live for evermore;
From His side we’ll never roam.

Jathan Pfeifle writes from Central California.

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About Jathan Pfeifle

Jathan Pfeifle

Jathan Pfeifle

writes from Central California.


  1. Hello!
    I write poetry. Some of it has been accepted on Baharth Vision…a global writer’s platform. I have
    written a number of spiritual poems. How would I submit them? Thank you!

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